Keto Low Carb Bread Factory

11 June 2010

Which type are you

Unguided grazer
The unguided grazer food is an afterthought, something to consume while doing other things such as driving, surfing the Internet, or working. And because the grazer isn’t paying much attention diet varies enormously in salt, fat and sugar content. The danger of distracted eating is that the connection is rarely made between hunger and fullness, so weight is easily gained.

Night Time Nibbler
Commitments come ahead of eating during the day for the Nighttime Nibbler so they gobble 50 percent or more of their daily kilojoules at dinner or afterwards, but in the evening metabolism is slowest so kilojoules or calories are readily turned into fat.

Convenient Consumer
If quick, packaged and tasty, the convenient consumer will eat it. Where it comes from is irrelevant as long as it does no take time out of their day. The trouble is convenience foods are higher in fat, salt and kilojoules or calories and lower in fibre.

Fruitless feaster
Kids are forced to eat fruit and vegetables and adults don’t have to, according to the fruitless feaster. For them, meat, potatoes, pasta, bread and butter form the five food groups. However, by skipping fresh fruit and vegetables the feaster is losing out on minerals, vitamins and fibre.

Mindless Muncher
Having tree meals a day is just a suggestion for the mindless muncher. Between meal snacks and between snack snacks are used to fight boredom, overcome worries or to avoid feeling hungry. Add to all this the convenience of fast food, and ballooning weight will be the inevitable outcome for the muncher.

Hearty Portioner
Whether or not a meal is healthy, the rule is to eat until the belt has to be undone for the hearty portioner. As A result weight gain is constant, and so are indigestion, heartburn, and fatigue.

Deprived SneakerThe sneaker may publicly choose low fat food, but they are not happy about it. So rather than eating one serve of chocolate fudge ice cream, the sneaker eats two or threes of the low fat variety, then feels guilty. The end result is the same, weight gain.

paania paki

Loss 10 lbs (4.5kgs) in Three Days Fast


There is lots of debate about this diet. The negatives and the positives. So I decided to give this a go myself. I thought about it for a few days first, I just didn't dive into it. I had to want to do it as its a real cut back in tucker. I had already been on a low calorie/kilojoule intake so I didnt find this diet that hard once I started and you also have to like the foods thats on the menu, especially tuna.

I did break a few rules and substituted a couple of things as well.
The first day was relatively okay, I did however have choc chip ice cream (oopps) as I didnt have vanilla for my suppers for the 3 nights.paania paki
On day two, I had water crackers and we dont have saltine crackers, they were about the same in calories as saltine, so whats the harm. I had the banana for lunch instead of dinner because I didnt check first. I had the cottage cheese and not the tuna for lunch and of course choc chip ice cream again.
Day three was pretty much the same, felt bit hungry in the afternoon. I sure was looking forward to having the ice cream after gulping down a cup of tuna, it really is a lot of tuna. I substituted melon for rock melon (cantaloupe).
During this diet I alot had mouthful's of diet lemonade when I felt like it. I didnt have coffee or tea all the time either. Just mostly for breakfast.

TEST TIME. I GOT ON THE SCALES WITH EYES CLOSED, PEEKED AND SCREECHED WAHOOOO. I LOST 2.10KGS (4.62LBS). Not the 10lbs as stated, but hey, everyone is different and I didnt stick to it exactly so I was really happy with what I lost. In fact, I am going back on it again tomorrow. I have had my four days off already. During the days off I didnt go stupid and graze on anything, I stuck to my low calorie intake I was on before I started on this 3 day diet. ppaania paki


Start of Day 1 again, Iweighed my self that morning at 73.7kg (161.92lbs). I was feeling a little bit hungry by lunchtime, was ready for my midday snack anyway. I however substituted Icecream for yoghurt. I cant seem to stick to the rules.
Day 2 was good, wasnt feeling hungry today, especially after having a cup of cottage cheese. I substituted icecream again for tub of yoghurt. (Last one left). I have also been having herbal beveridge from Herbal life with each meal as well.

Day 3. Dinner I find is the challenge, having that 1 cup of tuna, like I said earlier is alot. I didnt quite finish this meal (as in the first time I did it). By the time I had dessert though I was full. ONce again I had choc chip icecream and not vanilla. Maybe when I run out I will get vanilla next time on my shopping list.
The morning of Day 4 I hopped on the scales and weighed in at 72.3 (159.06 lbs) so I lost 1.4 kgs (3.08 lbs). I want to get down to 65kg so I am just chipping away at it nicely. I will never lose what this diet claims, maybe if I was alot more larger then I would have alot more to lose. But I am happy with the pace.
So now its back to normal eating, well, normal for me at the moment is eating healthy and watching my calorie intake. I write down everything I eat so I can keep an eye on what my intake is for the day as I want to keep it around 1500 calories per day.

Day One

Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water

1/2 Grapefruit or Juice
1 slice toast with 1 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup of Tuna

1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water
3 oz. any lean meat

1 cup green beans
1 cup carrots
1 cup vanilla ice cream
1 medium appleBlack coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water

Day Two
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water

1 egg (any style)
1 slice toast
1 banana
1 cup cottage cheese or tuna

5 saltine crackers
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water
2 beef franks or hot dogs

1/2 cup carrots
1 banana
1 cup broccoli or cabbage
1/2 cup vanilla ice cream
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water

Day Three
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water

5 regular saltine crackers
1 oz. (slice) cheddar cheese
1 apple
1 hard boiled egg

1 slice toast
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water
1 cup tuna

1 cup carrots
1 cup cauliflower
1 cup melon
1/2 cup regular vanilla ice cream
Black coffee or tea (Sweet & Low or Equal) or water paania paki

paania paki
paania paki